I’ve worked with several clients recently who felt bad charging for what they do. They think that because it’s “so easy,” anyone can do it and they shouldn’t charge people. Or should charge very little. Each person’s business was very different from the others, ranging from visual arts to strategic …
Why It’s Important to Feel
We all have emotions that we’re more comfortable with. For some people, that’s feeling happy, for some, it’s not. However, being human, we simply cannot live in one emotional realm. We can’t say, “I’m only going to experience high vibration emotions.” That’s not life! It’s not who we are as …
Have You Confused “Uncomfortable” with “Unsafe”?
They say that each of us is a blend of the five people with whom we spend the most time, for better or for worse. It’s true that the people that surround us deeply influence our thoughts, actions and words, often in subtle ways that we don’t even notice from …
What it Means to Connect with Your Authentic Power
The best way to describe what I do is to say that I connect my clients with their authentic power. You’ve probably had at least a glimpse of your authentic power at some point in your life; it’s a deep inner knowing and contentedness that fuels your intention. A …
How Do You Love Yourself?
I’ve been in several conversations recently with people who tell me things like, “Sara, I’m much more compassionate with everybody else than I am with myself… in fact, I treat everyone else better than I treat myself!” To some extent, I think we do that naturally as human beings. But …
The Art of Taking Breaks
As entrepreneurs, we often feel that we need to “strong arm” our business, “make” our marketing happen, and “push” through blocks to get to the finish line. I understand this feeling. In fact, I had an experience recently where I had been trying to make myself sit down and brainstorm …
The School of the Uncomfortable
Have you noticed how focused most of us are on being comfortable? In fact, in many ways, we’re addicted to it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m VERY grateful for modern comforts like air conditioning, cars, electricity and indoor plumbing! I especially love the technology that lets me work with clients …
Embracing What You Want is the Key to Clarity
It’s amazing how much people honor and respond to clarity. Have you ever noticed that when you pick up the phone to make a sales call and you feel confident people respond to you differently than if you picked up the phone with a feeling of uncertainty and self-doubt? People …
What I Hate About “Manifesting”
The word “manifesting” has been overused. Everywhere I turn, there’s something else about “how to manifest.” The thing about the word manifesting is that most people associate it with action. “What you need to do in order to have what you want.” Now, I agree that creating what you want …
Create Your Own Upward Spiral of Success
Having a big goal in life is the perfect opportunity to do deep clearing work and facilitate profound healing in your life. And it just so happens that when you do the clearing work, you’ll often see yourself step into an upward spiral of success. Whatever your goal may be, …