As business owners, it’s important to learn strategies and structures to create income and value for our clients. After all, we don’t want to be reinventing the wheel every time we launch a new product. And working with a mentor is important as well – simply being in the energy …
Create Space for Inspiration
“A very receptive state of mind… not unlike a sheet of film itself – seemingly inert, yet so sensitive that a fraction of a second’s exposure conceives a life in it.” – Minor White Clients often ask me, “Sara, what do you do to allow yourself space to be receptive …
Do You Know Who You Are?
I had a wonderful session with a client recently, Mattie, whose biggest issue was generating income. She felt like she was “grabbing, grasping and desperate,” and feared both failure and success. She is by no means the only client I’ve heard this from. In fact, it’s quite common. This “energy …
A Funny Thing Happened While I Was Pole Dancing…
I was taking a class called Pole Basics on Saturday. In it, the teacher, Nikki, breaks down common spins to help us hone our moves. We were doing a round-a-bout into a pirouette and Nikki came over to observe me. Her tip for me was not to relax into the …
Do You Have a Writing Gremlin?
My client Jeannie and I were on the phone just the other day. Jeannie’s up to some great stuff – creating a new program, redoing her website and leading some trainings. She’s set aside time to create the content for the website and trainings before things get really busy. Her …
When It Just Feels Hard!!
I have to admit, I’m pretty tired of articles that try to take something huge and make it doable in “3 Easy-Peasy Steps.” First of all, let’s face it. A whole lot of struggle comes from mindset and fighting ourselves (or at least our fears and limiting beliefs). Telling someone …
This Shit’s Hard!
I’ve discovered that many of my clients have the impression that “being in the flow” means “everything is always easy.” That if you’re in the flow, people and opportunities show up unexpectedly at just the right time, doors open and there is a magic quality to life. Yes!! That happens. …
Exploring the Energy of “Pushing”
Can you identify the energy of “pushing”? It’s the feeling of trying to force something, trying to manipulate or simply overpower the situation to “make” something happen. And you may have noticed that it rarely works the way we want it to. We think that when we push, we’re doing …
[VIDEO] Claiming Your Power
How does the current social climate affect you as a business owner – and what can you do about it? Hint: This is how you protect your #1 business asset.
It’s Not About Being Perfect – It’s About Being Flexible
I get so tired of receiving email marketing that reads something like, “Never worry again!” or “The one step you need to make 100k this year!” or “Be fearless and you’ll be set for life!” When I see messaging like that, I think, “Really?” Because I know the same thing …