Living a truly authentic life can be hard because it means getting rid of the gunk from the past. Continuing to clear away that stuff through energy techniques has worked for me. It’s made me able to connect with and approve of myself first instead of looking to other people …
Clearing a Path to Authenticity
In my previous post, The World is Moving Quickly. Are You Moving With It?, I discussed the danger of trying to please everybody all of the time. The real problem is that there are just too many differences in the people around you. You’ll never be able to get everybody …
The World is Moving Quickly. Are You Moving With It?
As 21st century entrepreneurs, we have to constantly expand our playing field. We simply can’t afford to sit still and keep doing what we’ve always done. The world doesn’t work that way anymore. It used to be that you could use the same business model for an entire generation. Make …
Is Your Past Sabotaging Your Present?
One problem that continues to come up with my clients – and in my own life – is this idea of not knowing who or what is driving our decisions. So often we think we’re choosing based on what we want, as though there’s some sort of pure, internal desire. …
Leading vs. Taking Charge
During a recent session, one of my clients described how she leads her team and I noticed that she was actually talking about taking charge, which is not the same thing. Taking charge is about taking on tasks, micromanaging and making sure everyone is doing exactly what they should be …
The Difference Between Fear and Intuition
So many people I’ve worked with have said things like, “I was going to do this but something inside told me to stop.” More often than not, the feeling they’re really talking about is the feeling of fear. Fear is a Learned Reaction Parents often use fear as a tool …
Embrace Yourself and the Money Will Follow
Money is such a big topic for people. For many of us we use money to measure self worth. The people I’ve seen who don’t feel worthy of money are always the ones grabbing after it. They’re always looking for ways to get what they need without having to do …
Judgment Doesn’t Have to be a Bad Thing
Judgment has gotten a really bad reputation lately. Often, we use it to tear people down. We use it against others and even ourselves. But it’s not the act of judgment that’s the problem, it’s the stuff we heap on top of it. Let’s say you do something and then …
Serve, Don’t Sell
There’s a difference between someone selling a product in order to make money and someone selling a product because they love it and believe in it. Imagine being on the other side of a conversation with either of these people. How different does it feel to have someone telling you …
Are You Living on Autopilot?
A lot of my work is about helping people develop self-awareness. We think we know ourselves but so often what we know are just stories from the past. We assume that our thoughts, our feelings and our experiences add up to who we are today. We think that who we …