Stop Running from Your Own Success

For most of us, the thing we’re running from is almost always the pathway to our biggest growth and the doorway to deeper peace. Gaining perspective on what’s blocking your way to success can be difficult and it’s normal for some unpleasant stuff to come up along the way. When …

You Can’t Grow a Successful Business Without Continuing to Grow Yourself

Many of us have this idea that at some point we’ll “figure it all out” and be on a trajectory that only goes upwards. Unfortunately, that’s just not realistic. No matter where we are in life, we’ll always hit challenging moments. It’s through those challenges that we experience growth. You …

Honor Yourself and What You’ve Created

As entrepreneurs, it’s so easy for us to think that everyone knows what we know and that what seems basic to us is basic to our clients. We lose sight of the natural gifts we possess or exactly how much time and energy we’ve put into becoming the best at …

Connect with Your Ability to Persevere

A few years ago I read a story about a fifteen-year-old who had developed a test for pancreatic cancer. This teenage scientist wrote to 200 professors asking for laboratory time so he could develop his idea. 199 of those professors either outright rejected him or ignored his request. For one …

It’s Not About You, It’s About the Fit

One of my clients recently started reassembling her team after letting a few people go. Because of the work we’d been doing together and the work she’d been doing on her own to clear out and understand her old ways of operating, she was able to see that these people …


Clear the Air with Intentions

I’ve seen the simple act of setting intentions make a huge difference for people. When we create from a place of true intention, what we do comes from our very being, not just our minds. Creating intentions for future events or situations affects us in the present by allowing us …

The World is Moving Quickly. Are You Moving With It?

As 21st century entrepreneurs, we have to constantly expand our playing field. We simply can’t afford to sit still and keep doing what we’ve always done. The world doesn’t work that way anymore. It used to be that you could use the same business model for an entire generation. Make …

Is Your Past Sabotaging Your Present?

One problem that continues to come up with my clients – and in my own life – is this idea of not knowing who or what is driving our decisions. So often we think we’re choosing based on what we want, as though there’s some sort of pure, internal desire. …

Leading vs. Taking Charge

During a recent session, one of my clients described how she leads her team and I noticed that she was actually talking about taking charge, which is not the same thing. Taking charge is about taking on tasks, micromanaging and making sure everyone is doing exactly what they should be …