This fall, I am offering a new program specifically created to help people connect with their own inner power so that they can step into the value they offer the world and generate more income. I decided to offer the program because so many of us bear heavy burdens, old …
Come from a Place of Service to Invite More Money into Your Life
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because the world needs people who have come alive.” -Howard Thurman Many of us have been taught to fear or even dislike money. We think we shouldn’t want it, or we shouldn’t …
Positivity Around Money Is Infectious, Too!
Infectious [in-fek-shuh s] –adjective “communicable by infection, as from one person to another or from one part of the body to another; infectious diseases.” As a society, we often associate the word “infectious” with diseases and negative things. But what about infectious health? What about infectious optimism? The truth …