I had a wonderful session with a client recently, Mattie, whose biggest issue was generating income. She felt like she was “grabbing, grasping and desperate,” and feared both failure and success. She is by no means the only client I’ve heard this from. In fact, it’s quite common. This “energy …
When It Just Feels Hard!!
I have to admit, I’m pretty tired of articles that try to take something huge and make it doable in “3 Easy-Peasy Steps.” First of all, let’s face it. A whole lot of struggle comes from mindset and fighting ourselves (or at least our fears and limiting beliefs). Telling someone …
In the Wake of the Election
Whether the person you were hoping for won or not, there is a great deal of fear in our world today. It shows up as bullying, violent crime, suicide and more. And the intensity and negativity of this campaign brought much of it to the forefront. While I don’t have …