This post is part of the My Writing Process Blog Tour.
It’s fun to do something a bit out of the ordinary, so when my friend and writing mentor, Glad Doggett asked me to participate in this blog tour, I happily said yes. If you haven’t read Glad’s post yet, just click here. She’s a professional writer and her process tips are great.
Here they are. My responses to the blog tour questions.
What am I working on?
The big projects I have underway at the moment are building my team, finishing up a rebrand (new website will be here soon!) and creating materials for a new course to help entrepreneurs take more action in their business. I love learning, too, and am very excited to be participating in Jean Houston’s 6-month Living Your Supreme Destiny Advanced Training Program that begins soon.
How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I dance in the dynamic balance between the energetic/spiritual realm and the strategic business world of the entrepreneur. I use my energy work to help entrepreneurs uncover their unique gifts and bring them out into the world. And because I’m walking the path of the business owner as well (not to mention working on a team of business coaches), I’m constantly moving back and forth, going more deeply in and more broadly out. I think of this as real world spirituality.
Why do I write what I do?
I’m always writing. Writing is a big part of how I process. I’m passionate about exploring what’s possible for us as humans and how we can live richer, more vibrant lives, so that’s what I write about. My blog posts come from experiences I have with clients, a-has I’ve gotten for myself and what I’m currently pondering.
I plan to write a book as well – or more than one. Friends have been after me for years to put together the things I’ve worked on into a guide that others can use to clear things for themselves. I have one or two other subjects I’m playing with as well.
How does my writing process work?
Centering is a key part of my work and my life – and my writing as well. I start my writing by centering myself and connecting with who I’m writing to, my purpose in writing and my intention with the particular piece. For example, my intention with this piece is to connect with you by sharing something new of myself.
I also intended to have new clarity about myself and my work in the process of writing this. Today is the first time I’ve publicly said I want to write a book. Saying it definitely makes it feel more clear and real.
In addition to staying grounded in my intentions, setting a timer and taking an active break periodically also works really well for me. I’ve even written out schedules of which activities I’m going to do on my breaks. What can I say, I enjoy checking things off a list.
And now, I pass the torch to…
Cathy Wilke is a business alchemist who helps coaches , healers and entrepreneurs who want to make a difference to translate their story into branding that attracts their ideal clients. Her specialty is helping her clients position their business so that it solves the burning issues their audience struggles with. She is the creator of Nail Your Niche and Visionary Brand Academy. You can read her blog here.
Teri Beckman is a consultant and business coach who works with established organizations who still have an entrepreneurial edge, or are seeking to get it back! I work with leaders to create unstoppable teams who are engaged, productive and together can accomplish anything. To read her blog, clich here.
Andrea Hiltbrunner is an artist, intuitive, coach and all round lover of life. She offers Intuitive DreamCoaching, Dreambook Readings and Inspiration for Bravehearts who want to dive into themselves and find the treasure that is within. She helps guide heart-centered women connect with their truth so that they can find their passion, mission and vision for their life. Her blog is here.
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Thanks for giving us a peek behind the curtain. I love to read about how other writers work.
I find that very helpful, too, Glad. Thanks for including me in this tour!