I did it!

Last week we talked about those moments when you’re ready to give up, when you realize that what you’re doing just isn’t working – or it feels like it’s not – and the power of working with a coach who knows the way and can guide you.

This week, let’s talk about another kind of moment.  Those moments when it does work.  When you have the sense of, yes, this is GREAT!

Don’t you love that rush of energy?  That feeling of accomplishment?

And do you ever find you’re rushing past it as you look at the next thing you need to do?

Of course you do.  We ALL do.

It’s so easy to live in the space of where we aren’t, seeing what still needs to be worked on or where we haven’t reached our goals.  And we hit the “Yeah, buts”.

  • I have a new client, but I still want to get a few more.
  • My income is twice what it was last year, but now I have to pay more taxes.
  • I’ve written some great letters to send out, but I still have to write content for my website and make some recordings.

As an entrepreneur, you’re plate is always full.  The to-do list is long and time feels short.

And living in the space of “Yeah, but” can put the brakes on your momentum.

Key number 1 to keeping your momentum is changing your “but” to “and”.  This is something I talk to clients about all the time because it’s so important.  Seriously.

“But” is the energy of putting your foot on the gas and then slamming on the brake.  Moving forward and then bam!  “But” stops you in your tracks.

When you say “and”, the energy is broad, encompassing both statements.  It embraces it all and continues to move forward.

For more on this, check out my post on The Power of And.

The other big thing to do is to celebrate.  Take a moment to look back and see what you’ve done.

My accountability buddy and I do this every week, and we both LOVE it!  And it’s an important piece of the work I do with my clients.

I work with clients for a minimum of 3 months at a time.  This is important because it gives us time to really clear some of the big stuff.  We get to take care of the gunk that was buried under the stuff we cleared before.

My clients make notes after each session about their insights and experiences.  And we also periodically take time to celebrate and deeply integrate all that good stuff.

One of my clients is finishing a 3-month package.  On our last call, she told me that in our work together she’s built something solid within her and remembers to go in and connect with that and feels good and reassured when she does.  She also said that she’s more confident and is pursuing connections and moving forward in areas where before she would have retreated – and she’s not even thinking about it!

That’s a lot to celebrate.

Me, today I’m celebrating:

  • Having hired a new virtual assistant.  I’m SO excited about this!
  • My new website is almost ready to go.  Stay tuned!
  • I’ve had some incredible sessions with amazing clients this week.
  • I get to be in community with YOU.

How about you?  What can I celebrate with you?  Let me know by leaving a comment.  And be sure to tell me what music we’re using for the happy dance.  Here’s mine:

[jwplayer mediaid=”584″]



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