Are you ready to set aside the habits and patterns that hold you back and powerfully step into a new, productive and action-oriented paradigm?
- Have you tried productivity techniques and systems in the past, only to find yourself reverting back to the same old way of doing things after a few weeks?
- Have you noticed that the same things keeps appearing week after week on your to-do list, even though you’re getting lots of other stuff done?
- Do you go to Facebook to post one quick thing and then realize an hour later you’re still reading your feed?
You’re stuck.
You’re avoiding, procrastinating, spinning your wheels and getting in your own way. You feel frustrated, overwhelmed, guilty, even ashamed.
And you can’t build a business doing this.
You can change all that.
You can FEEL productive.
You can BE productive.
You can SHIFT. Shift into action.
You can do all this.
When you’re stuck and procrastinating, there’s a reason for it!
Why do we get stuck, anyway?
We’ve all picked up energetic blocks that get in the way of our being productive. These come from things people have told us in the past (“You never follow through on anything!”) or experiences we’ve had (like feeling lonely and left out in high school). Some even come from family patterns (like being successful and then losing everything, or only working blue collar jobs).
Working harder and longer isn’t the way to get out of being unproductive.
That’s like pushing a boulder up a hill – one that might roll back and squash you at any moment.
Working smarter isn’t the whole answer, either. The blocks and the beliefs you have about yourself weren’t released – and they’re still running the show from the background.
Shift Into Action directly addresses those underlying blocks, fears and beliefs.
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Shifting into action isn’t just about getting more productive. It’s about releasing what’s standing in the way of you living a happier, fuller, richer life.
Of course, you’ll get tools to help you be more focused and productive, and to help you when you’re really stuck and spinning your wheels.
You’ll also get LOTS of support and connection, which makes a huge difference during those times when being an entrepreneur feels lonely and overwhelming.
What makes this program unique is the combination of Crap-Clearing Calls and aligned energy tools.
So, how exactly does this work?
- We start on Oct. 27 and for 9 weeks we’ll be together – clearing, focusing, sharing and taking action.
- We’ll all meet via phone 7 times for group clearings (Crap-Clearing Calls). Here, everyone will work together to help each person in the group release what’s holding them back. That’s a LOT of energy working on your behalf! (Don’t worry – if you can’t make the call, you can listen to the recording and still get the benefits of the clearing!) The calls will last 90 minutes.
- We’ll have a Q&A call on the other 2 weeks. Bring any questions, stuck places or celebrations and share them. I’ll stay on until all questions are answered, but if you need to leave early or the time isn’t good for you, you’ll hear it all on the recording.
- You’ll also get 4 tools to incorporate and a recording with simple, clear instructions on how to use each one – and how to amp up the power of it!
- You’ll also get daily High-Vibe Notes from me to help you stay connected, on track and in your power.
- The private Facebook Group gives you a place for connecting with other Shifters, for sharing your triumphs and for getting help when you need it. I’ll be there, too, answering questions, coaching and supporting you.
Register Now!
Invest in your success now and get these fabulous bonuses:
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Vibration-Shifting Recordings for:
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Foundation Strengtheners – 3 videos to help you rock the clearing calls and get as much as you can out of the whole program. | |
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The first 10 people to register will get a 45-minute one-on-one call with me! |
OPTION #1:Pay in full at only $997 |
OPTION #2:3 Payments of only $355 each |
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30-Day Money Back Promise
I believe so strongly in this work, and I have seen so many people benefit from the clearing exercises that I want to make you a promise. If you do the work – that means showing up for all the calls and going through all the exercises – and this doesn’t help you, I’ll give you a full refund.
Important Notice: I will gladly give you a full refund through Nov. 24 if you find this program isn’t right for you. I’m only here to serve the people who really connect with this work. However, I will need to see all your completed homework before issuing the refund.
This is because I know that if you set aside time to do the work, you will receive an amazing benefit from the Shift into Action program.
Shift Into Action is for you if:
- You’re ready for real changes in your life.
- You’ve tried productivity tools and still struggle.
- You want your energy aligned with where you’re going instead of where you’ve been.
- You feel scared and nervous, and want change anyway.
- You want me sending you high-vibration energy every day for 9 weeks as I meditate.
Shift Into Action isn’t for you if:
- You’re committed to your own stories and staying stuck in them.
- You’d rather be “right” than get unstuck.
- You’re convinced you can’t change, and you’re not open to the possibility you can.
- You’re not willing to invest time and energy in your own healing and growth.
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A recap of what you’ll get:
- 7 Crap-Clearing Calls with my signature Refuturing Process to release what’s holding you back (90 minutes each)
- Recordings of the calls to use whenever you want to do a clearing!
- 2 Q&A calls to give you individual help with whatever you want
- 4 Practical tools to keep you on track (and get you back on if you get off)
- Daily High-Vibe Notes from me to help you stay in a positive frame of mind.
- Private Facebook Forum for connection with me and the other participants.
You’ll also get some fabulous bonuses!
This work is powerful, thorough and life changing. I’m so looking forward to meeting all the participants in the group because I know their experience of their business and life is going to change dramatically when they start opening their hearts and clearing space.
I know that the same is available to you, if you’re willing to take the next steps. I invite you to empower yourself in the most nurturing and constructive way possible: by loving yourself.
Will you join us?
To Your Success,