Embody You: Expanding Your Comfort Zone to Show Up as More of Who You Are

It’s so easy to get stuck in our ruts, to keep to the well-worn paths we’ve created for ourselves. That feels safe.

The problem is that it’s also limiting. It keeps us from knowing and expressing the full range of who we are.

The only way to expand our range is to move into uncomfortable spaces.

I’ve learned to look for opportunities to get uncomfortable because that’s where the gold is, where growth, greater expression and deep fulfillment come from.

That’s why in the past 2 years alone I’ve:

  • Joined an intensive 10-month leadership training. I can’t begin to tell you how that’s pushed me beyond where I thought I could go.
  • Volunteered for leadership committees, to serve on a Board of Directors and to co-lead new groups.
  • Taken an Improv class.
  • Left a company I was coaching with to be fully in my own business.
  • Started writing a book.
  • Sung in front of a group.
  • Taken up pole and chair dancing.
  • Performed in a student showcase for both pole and chair.
  • Much, much more

Why is expanding our range so important?

In our society, there’s an over-emphasis on the mind. With computers, phones, books, work we spend more time and energy thinking than anything else.

Thinking isn’t a bad thing, at all. But it’s a muscle we’ve over-exercised. We leap from thinking to doing to thinking to doing.

This means that we’ve moved farther and farther away from the power of being.

Being is a space of calm. It’s the space of our creativity, of our connection with ourselves, each other and our life’s purpose.

When we spend time being, we get inspired. We begin to act from inspiration. We become more grounded, centered and aligned with our true selves.

Being is an aspect of feminine energy.

Yin and yang, feminine and masculine…we all have both types of energy, and there are gifts of each.

Here are a few of them:

Empathy and connection
Community well-being
Transformation and change


Upholding boundaries
Individual accomplishment
Consistency and discipline


As you can see, both are very needed.

It’s no surprise, though, that after several millennia of patriarchal societies, the gifts of feminine energy have been pushed to the background, while the gifts of masculine energy have been over-emphasized.

The result is that we’ve lost balance. We have people pushing and pushing for action, which is ill-considered, or for individual benefit rather than the well-being of the group.

Traditions and systems are being held onto, even when they’re no longer effective or are even hurtful to many. Lines and boundaries are being drawn to divide when collaboration could take us all much further. Strength has crossed the line into force.

And everyone – men and women alike – are the poorer for it.

Want this to change?

It’s time for us to reclaim and honor the feminine, starting with ourselves.

Some of us have embraced a very masculine approach in order to succeed in the current business environment, denying our feminine gifts and needs.

Others of us have retreated, withdrawing into unhealthy expressions of the feminine with little to no balancing masculine energy.

For both groups, greater and healthier self-expression starts with embracing our feminine energy. As we do this, we come into healthier relationship with our own masculine energy, turning it up or down as needed.

Pole and chair dancing have been a tremendous vehicle for me to embrace my feminine energy. They encourage me to own and express my sexiness and sensuality, and are helping me to appreciate and more fully inhabit my body.

And they are definitely pushing me out of my comfort zone!

And as I said above about bringing the feminine and masculine into balance, they each promote both flexibility and strength.

So here’s the deal.

On Nov 4, I’m leading a virtual workshop called Embody You: Expanding Your Comfort Zone to Show Up as More of Who You Are. In it, I’m going to guide you:

  • To do energy exercises to get more grounded in your body
  • To release fears, negative chatter in your head, and the gunk that’s in the way of your being connected with your body
  • To expand through a Refuturing Process
  • To connect with your body more deeply, embrace your feminine energy and express more of YOU through chair dancing

Yes, I’m going to show you some chair dancing moves for you to do along with me.

Did you just get nervous and go up into your head with thoughts like, “Uh uh, sister. Not this girl!”

Take a deep breath and let me tell you what this is NOT about.

  • This is not about performance. You will NOT be on camera!
  • This is not about anyone else. This is about YOU being with YOU.
  • This is not about taking on anyone else’s (including my) ideas of how you should embody your feminine energy. I’ll show you some moves and you make them yours. Move your body in the ways that feel good to you.
  • This is not about being GOOD at chair dancing. You don’t need any athletic skill, flexibility or even rhythm.
  • This is not about getting better. There’s nothing wrong with how you are now.

This is about having fun, trying something new, and expanding your comfort zone. It’s about being more of who you already are.

All you need is:

  • a chair without arms (mine is a metal folding chair)
  • a glass of water (to drink, no Flashdance)
  • a space where you have privacy and quiet
  • Oh! And a willingness to try something new.

The playshop will be recorded.

This means, of course, that if you can’t make the time of the call you can “attend” later. And it’s also much more than that.

Embodiment deepens with every experience.

When I was rehearsing from our student showcase (the photo above was taken from the performance), I discovered that the more I did each routine, the more fully I DID it.

I began inhabiting my body more deeply, became more expressive and more fluid, and I had more fun by doing the same movements very mindfully over and over.

This recording is something you can play along with again and again, deepening your expression of your feminine energy and your relationship with your body each time.

This is not a one-time run through, but an experience to savor over and over.

In addition, you’ll get recordings of a Refuturing Process and a longer meditation to support your being in your body and allowing your divine feminine energy to flow.

Register by Oct 30 for the EarlyBird price!


Wondering if this playshop is right for you? Let’s chat! Click here to sign up for a complimentary 15-minute call and find out. I’ll answer all your questions so you have the clarity you need to decide.


The playshop will be held on November 4 from 10:00-11:30am EST via Zoom. You’ll need your computer or smartphone so that you can see me or to watch the recording.

The investment is $97 until October 30, then $147 until registration closes at 5pm EST on November 3.

Register now to get the Energy Poses and Movements Guide right away. You can start grounding your energy and raising your vibration today.

Register by Oct 30 for the Earlybird rate!