Congratulations!!! And welcome to the Wealth School.
You’ve just taken a big step toward your new future! You’ve said YES! to freedom from your money muck. YES! to more inner spaciousness and room to breathe. YES! to more abundance and flow in your life.
Here are your first 3 steps now that you’re enrolled:
1. Put the dates and times of our calls in your calendar. Even if you can’t attend the calls live, putting them in your calendar will remind you to listen to the recordings. All of these dates are Tuesdays.
- Oct 4, 1:00pm ET (10:00am PT, 5:00pm UTC)
- Oct 11, 1:00pm ET (10:00am PT, 5:00pm UTC)
- Oct 18, 1:00pm ET (10:00am PT, 5:00pm UTC)
- Oct 25, 1:00pm ET (10:00am PT, 5:00pm UTC)
- Nov 1, 1:00pm ET (10:00am PT, 5:00pm UTC)
- Nov 8, 1:00pm ET (10:00am PT, 6:00pm UTC) (UTC – note time change)
- Nov 15, 1:00pm ET (10:00am PT, 6:00pm UTC)
2. Bookmark the Wealth School Resources page.
This is where you’ll find all the recordings and other materials for the program.
The page’s password is moneylove.
Go there now and you’ll find a video that shows 3 energy movements you can
use any time to settle and expand your energy. There’s also a handout for easy
3. Sign up for the Facebook group if you want that support. Do that here. You’ll need to be signed into your Facebook account.
Now, how are you feeling?
If you’re excited, that’s great! I’m very excited you’re joining me for the Wealth School. I’m honored that you’ve chosen me as your support and guide for shifting your relationship with money.
If you’re also feeling nervous, I totally get that, too. And it’s okay. We’re in this together. Just let yourself be nervous…and excited. And remember to breathe.
I’ll be in touch again before the program starts. For now, celebrate that you’re on your way to freeing yourself from your money muck and creating more space in yourself and your life for abundance and flow.
Here’s to your new future!