Own Your Power,
Expand Your Life
A mentoring group for those who want
transformation in their businesses and lives.
Do you want to enjoy your business and your life, and to live with greater ease and vibrancy?
Are you tired of battling yourself and getting in your way? Want to stop trying to fix yourself and begin embracing that who you are now is your power and gift?
Are you excited by the prospect of finding what’s causing disharmony and stress in your life and business, releasing the energy that’s been tied up there, and using it to power your dreams instead?
Dear Friend -
You’re not new to this game. You’ve read books, been to events and watched inspiring talks on YouTube. You know the importance of energy, keeping a positive outlook, and following daily practices. This isn’t rocket science, after all. And your life is getting better, at least in some areas.
And still…
There are days when life is so frustrating, even overwhelming. Days that suck. Days when you feel heavy and stuck. Days when you aren’t managing to do the things you know to do and you get frustrated watching yourself repeating old patterns.
And then there’s that area of your life that’s still the most challenging for you. That *@#!ing growth opportunity that comes back again and again. It feels like a test from high school hell that won’t go away until you get it right.
The good news is that there isn’t anything wrong with you. You’re simply having a human experience. You’re encountering these issues because you don’t want to play small. You’re stretching. You want to make a difference, and that’s not always an easy road to travel.
Even better news is that I’ve created a mentoring group for people just like you.
You’ll be able to join in at different levels (I’ll explain more below), and at every level the focus will be on:
Releasing your S.T.U.F.F. and letting go of what has you repeating old patterns.
Taking the problems, frustrations and places where you’re blocked in your life, and turning them into catalysts for your greater expression and happiness. Life has an beautifully excellent way of showing you exactly what’s in your way. Like a farmer adding manure to a field, we’ll use the situations that feel like crap to accelerate your growth.
Having fun and exploring areas to help you understand and accept yourself more. Knowing yourself in your uniqueness is vital for recognizing and utilizing your natural gifts. I fought against this myself for so long. As it turns out, what I thought were my weaknesses (feeling too much, seeing from others’ points of view, loving “too much”, being “weird”) were actually some of my greatest strengths. Plus, the better you know yourself, and the more you love yourself unconditionally, the more you can love and accept others.
Implementing short, effective daily practices to keep your energy up, your mind focused, and your heart open.
Expanding your capacity to receive. You can't give more than you have. We'll do practical, experiential exercises so that you become more comfortable with receiving and are able accept more. This means that more will come to you.
Supporting, cheering and leaning into each other. Over the course of the past three years, my leadership tribe has shown me what it means to be deeply and consistently seen by a group of individuals who want the best for and from me. I want you to have this, too.
I had a wonderful experience in the [Own Your Power, Expand Your Life] program facilitated by Sara... totally, powerfully transforming.
~ Dian
Continuing to expand through discomfort into greater self-expression and connection is one of my core values.
It's why I've been doing this work for almost 30 years now, and why I continue to explore and see what's possible.
In addition to all the energy work I do, I’ve been doing chakra meditations and exploring masculine/feminine energy with a partner for 4 years. I study leadership and regularly put myself in positions where I’m challenged and stretched. I’m playing with self-expression and new ways of embodying energy through. I’m always reading and exploring where my curiosity leads me.
I’ll bring what I learn to the group.
Whether we’ve worked together before or you found me through my book or a speaking engagement, you have a sense of who I am. Therefore, it won’t surprise you to know that this group is based on these components:
- Love and kindness are non-negotiable. This will be a safe space for you to share your thoughts and feelings, to get feedback, and to be as open as you want to be.
- Transformation happens in the depths. If you’re looking to go deep and get real with yourself so that true transformation can happen, this is the group for you. I’ll be loving and kind, and I’ll be real. There will likely be tears along the way as you connect with deep feelings that are being released. There will be laughter, too.
- I’m extremely intuitive and very often pick up on things that my clients don’t even realize they’re thinking or feeling. I also frequently receive intuitive downloads. I’ll bring this component to the group, with the understanding that you’ll take what resonates for you and will leave the rest.
- Group energy is powerful. Being in the group will include sending energy to and receiving energy from everyone else. This is part of how we create more flow and connection. My goal is to help you create a practice of receiving, and for it to be experiential so that you know/feel it in your bones. Knowing intellectually that it’s good to receive is great. Experiencing it regularly takes it to a whole new level and will actually increase your capacity to receive.
The answers you’re looking for are inside of you. I’m chuckling as I write that, remembering how many times in the past I’ve heard that and thought, “Well how do I f*cking get them out?!?” That’s what I’ll be guiding you to do. You have your own unique wisdom and answers, and I will help you get them to a conscious level.
You NEED Sara in your life! She has helped me live the best life I've ever lived - both with family, myself and generally handling all the crap that happens in life.
I adore this coaching program and being at the top tier "Gimme All Your Lovin!" has made all the difference. The Facebook group alone has been a god-send. The support is amazing. I adore my one-on-one deep dives.
I walk lighter, I engage with everything so much better and I feel more authentic than I have ever felt before.
~ Celia
There are three levels of this program. Each level includes everything from the level(s) before it.
Level 1
I need a little love!
At this level, you get one group clearing call every month to support you in releasing anything that’s in your way. Several days before the call, I’ll send you the theme for the call, along with prompts to help you get clear about what’s coming up for you. You’ll be able to anonymously share your S.T.U.F.F. and can read what others in the group have sent in. This way, we’ll inspire each other.
On the call, we’ll do the clearing for ourselves and on behalf of each other. There’ll be a time of sending and receiving energy within the group. I’ll do a set of Refuturing Statements based around the call topic. The calls will be recorded and these will be available to you. The Refuturing Statements will be in a separate recording so that you can easily listen to them as often as you like.
You’ll have access to a private Facebook group that gives you the opportunity for sharing in a safe and loving space.
Also, be sure to check out the information on the on-going Bonus Calls below. With these, you can connect with the group on a weekly basis if you'd like.
You’ll be able to add on a private 45-minute call with me whenever you feel the need for 30% off ($245 instead of $350), and you’ll get 10% off any online program I offer while you’re in the group. You’ll also get to sign up for retreats and programs before they’re offered to the public. Retreats will have limited space.
Investment: $49 / month
The I need a little love! option is for you if:
- If you’re in a place where money is a real challenge and $49/month is an appropriate stretch, then you’ve found the option for you. I created this level so that most everyone has a way in. Hurray!
- You’re so busy that you can only make one call a month. That being said, I want to share two thoughts with you. (1) If you’re super busy, you really need to make sure you’re supported and getting your cup filled. The Gimme more love! level might be a time stretch for you that would serve you well. And, (2) Being busy is a really effective way of ruling out deep, uncomfortable work. It’s not something we choose consciously. It’s a kind of modern day armor that our culture approves of, and even values. I invite you to check inside and see if your busyness is a cover for anything.
- You’re new to my work and want to wade in to see if it’s a good fit for you. Welcome!
Sign me up for I need a little love!
Level 2
Gimme more love!
In addition to what you’d get with the I need a little love! option, this program includes an additional two group calls each month. The first call will be a content call where we’ll explore a particular topic. The topic may come from something I see as an issue, or it may be based on something I’ve discovered or experienced myself. When I find something that has a big impact, the great things is you’ll know about it. I’ve asked my meditation partner, Craig, to join us on one of the calls to co-lead a meditation with me on embodying the masculine and feminine energies. Other likely topics include intuition, trust, receiving, getting into your body… I could fill all 12 topics right now!
The second call of the month will be a coaching Q&A call. Questions can be based on the topic for the month, or whatever else is coming up for you. If you can’t attend the call live, you’re welcome to send in your question. If there’s time, I’ll answer the written questions. Both calls will be recorded.
There will be a separate Facebook group for this community, since the additional calls will create more connection and intimacy. You can post in either group, and there may be things that you want to share just with this group.
You can add on a private 45-minute call with me whenever you feel the need for 40% off ($210 instead of $350), and you’ll get 15% off any online program I offer while you’re in the group. You’ll also get to sign up for retreats and programs before they’re offered to the larger I need a little love! group.
Investment: $97 / month
The Gimme more love! option is for you if:
- You want to get deep and real. You’re ready for some deeper connection with me and the group, and you want to meet regularly to build momentum.
- You want to be part of a more intimate, connected Facebook group where you can share more openly and get more feedback from me.
- You want to assure your spot at in-person events and in limited-access programs.
Sign me up for Gimme more love!
Level 3
Gimme all your lovin'!
The Gimme all your lovin'! option has it all – group connection plus a one-on-one call with me every month. 45-minutes focused totally on you for maximum transformation, connection and receiving. This level is limited to 10 spots.
You’ll get 25% off any online program I offer while you’re in the group. You’ll also get first dibs to sign up for retreats and programs before they’re offered to anyone else.
Investment: $297 / month
The Gimme all your lovin'! option is for you if:
- You’re ready to go really deep while also having group connection.
- You want one-on-one time with me every month to keep making big strides.
- You’re practicing extreme self-care and appreciate your cup overflowing.
- You may have worked one-on-one with me before and miss that connection, the personal Refuturing recordings, and the deep insights you get from it.
- You want to experience (or experience again) how my energy amplifies your ability to connect with yourself and your truth, and you want to make full use of it.
- You absolutely want to be part of the in-person retreats when they’re offered.
Sign me up for Gimme all your lovin'!
Weekly and Monthly Bonus Calls
The way I've been growing, expanding helped the other members of my family, helped my clients. I've had amazing, magical experiences with my clients who completely changed their lives as I did and as I'm doing.
~ Helen
Sara, thank you for all the work we did surrounding my mother in the last two years. I'm proud of myself for honoring our separate paths and callings.
It has been a year since the Lord took Mom home and stopped her anger, fear, confusion and physical pain. I have no regrets, no guilt, no anger - only immense love and gratitude. The anchor, in good and not-so good ways, that Mom was is now gone. The resilience I strove to build by working with you is allowing me to become my own anchor.
Without working with you in 2017, I know I would not be where I am today -- healthy, happy, and creating an income 3x what I made as an employee. New projects are lining up. My book is 60% complete. My wild dreams get more exhilarating every month!
I'm so different. My life is so different. While I can’t see what’s around the next corner, I’m learning to welcome and trust the steady uncertainty, the Lord, and my gut. I keep working the plan and Voilà! Magic happens!
Much love,
Shelley Ware
If you want to be more at peace in yourself, show up in your life in a more authentic way, and welcome in more abundance, come join me.

Sara is a truly gifted guide. With her help, I experienced a miraculous level of healing and growth. In just 4 sessions, I was able to access and release the subconscious programming which sabotaged my success in business and life.
I entered each session thinking I knew what I needed to work on. Within minutes, with Sara’s guidance and the ‘magic’ she wields, I connected to the real ‘hidden’ issue which had been causing me problems. 45 minutes later the problem was gone, and I had better access to my authentic being.
I can’t recommend Sara highly enough. She has helped me foster the mindset needed to run a successful business and a successful life. If you want to be the best you can be, working with Sara is integral.
Paula Boylan
Sage Teacher of actualizing life purpose