What if it's possible that when someone gives you a compliment you comfortably say "Thank you" instead of "I was lucky"?
What if it's possible for you to confidently stand in your power when making an offer or standing on a stage?
What if it's possible for you to stretch even more than you have already, owning your gifts and accomplishments to your core – and that you can have fun doing it?
Why is the Embody Your Awesome
virtual retreat for you?
Backed by Science
The tools and approaches used in this program are backed by research, as well as centuries of taoist and tantric wisdom.
Embodiment Practices
We'll be moving! This virtual retreat is a full-body experience. This is how you get the knowing of your awesome into your bones.
A Unique Approach
You NEED Sara in your life! She has helped me live the best life I've ever lived - both with family, myself and generally handling all the crap that happens in life.
I adore this coaching program and being at the top tier "Gimme All Your Lovin!" has made all the difference. The Facebook group alone has been a god-send. The support is amazing. I adore my one-on-one deep dives.
I walk lighter, I engage with everything so much better and I feel more authentic than I have ever felt before.
~ Celia
Experiential Calls are the
Heart of this Retreat
We'll use a combination of pre-recorded videos, large group sessions and live calls. You'll get all the details when you sign up.
Here are the dates to reserve.
Fri, Apr 16 at 3pm ET – optional Go Deep to Fly High preparation call
Fri & Sat, Apr 23 & 24, 10a-1p and 3p-6p ET – Embody Your Awesome retreat.
You'll also get the Energy and Embodiment Tools video series to watch on your own schedule. This set of to help you be prepared and ready for our first call on Apr 23.
To be ready for the retreat, you'll need to complete the Embody Your Awesome Illuminator worksheet. With its guidance, you'll make a list of the qualities and accomplishments you want to focus on during our time together. You can complete it with the group on the optional call (Fri, Apr 16), or you can do it on your own. The more prepared you are, the more effective the retreat will be for you.

Sara is a truly gifted guide. With her help, I experienced a miraculous level of healing and growth. In just 4 sessions, I was able to access and release the subconscious programming which sabotaged my success in business and life.
I entered each session thinking I knew what I needed to work on. Within minutes, with Sara’s guidance and the ‘magic’ she wields, I connected to the real ‘hidden’ issue which had been causing me problems. 45 minutes later the problem was gone, and I had better access to my authentic being.
I can’t recommend Sara highly enough. She has helped me foster the mindset needed to run a successful business and a successful life. If you want to be the best you can be, working with Sara is integral.
Paula Boylan
Sage Teacher of actualizing life purpose
Who the program is for
I've been with energy techniques since 1991, and a common theme I experience with clients is around confidence. Outwardly everything appears to be fine, but inside there's something that just doesn't feel right or make sense.
This retreat is for you:
if you don't live in the world as the 100% brilliant you.
When you doubt your worthiness or that you belong, you'll distract yourself so that you don't launch your new program, create videos, attend networking events, or write and publish your book.
if you don't do your most impactful and effective work with clients.
When you live with a sense of self-doubt, you can't effectively help your clients transform because you're not fully connected to you creativity and clarity.
if your energy level is low.
Even if you're able to achieve a lot, you feel tired. The constant struggle is exhausting. You're fighting against the inner voices telling you it's not worth it, it won't be that great, no one will be interested, and who are you to think you can do this. Every step forward can feel challenging, as though you're walking through a swamp.
if your income is lower than you want it to be and than you deserve.
Your prices can represent the doubt you feel inside. Raising prices takes a shift into recognizing your worth and owning your value.
if you don't ask for what you want, set appropriate boundaries, and have the loving, intimate connections you really want.
Your relationships, both personal and professional, show you exactly where you're hiding, defending, and trying to control. These are all signs that your sense of your worthiness and value is based in others' opinion rather than in your own embodied knowing.
When you embody and know deep in your bones that you're awesome and that you belong, you will know and welcome your natural gifts and then transform them into beautiful accomplishments. Your creativity and clarity will release abundantly into the world and everyone in your life will benefit.
Your energy will naturally transmit confidence to others. You’ll feel so at ease from the inside out that you’ll be the most natural you – the most creative, relaxed, funny, present version of you. Let’s go!!!
This retreat is for you if you're ready to:
be more grounded, sure and confident
transform unproductive and reactive behaviors into productive, authentic actions
have greater abundance as you share your offerings and yourself at new levels
have more access to your innate energy, creativity and intuition
radiate your confidence instead of trying to convince yourself and others of your worthiness
The way I've been growing, expanding helped the other members of my family, helped my clients. I've had amazing, magical experiences with my clients who completely changed their lives as I did and as I'm doing.
~ Helen
The Embody Your Awesome retreat
package includes:
Embody Your Awesome Illuminator worksheet
- Go Deep to Fly High 90-minute call (optional)
Energy and Embodiment Tools video series
Embody Your Awesome virtual retreat
Embody Your Awesome Meditations and Refuturing Processes to keep and listen to whenever you need an energetic boost and/or a re-centering in your body.
Sara, thank you for all the work we did surrounding my mother in the last two years. I'm proud of myself for honoring our separate paths and callings.
It has been a year since the Lord took Mom home and stopped her anger, fear, confusion and physical pain. I have no regrets, no guilt, no anger - only immense love and gratitude. The anchor, in good and not-so good ways, that Mom was is now gone. The resilience I strove to build by working with you is allowing me to become my own anchor.
Without working with you in 2017, I know I would not be where I am today -- healthy, happy, and creating an income 3x what I made as an employee. New projects are lining up. My book is 60% complete. My wild dreams get more exhilarating every month!
I'm so different. My life is so different. While I can’t see what’s around the next corner, I’m learning to welcome and trust the steady uncertainty, the Lord, and my gut. I keep working the plan and Voilà! Magic happens!
Much love,
Shelley Ware
If you want to stop trying to convince yourself and others of your value, and would rather live in more ease and abundance and live more comfortably in your body and more fully in your worthiness, come join me.